Presland - v - G W Padley Ltd

Plaintiff Patricia Joan Presland
Job title Process Worker (SOC 2000: 5433)
Task description Trussing chickens
Injury Tenosynovitis
Defendant(s) G W Padley Ltd (SIC 2007: C10)
Court(s) Lincoln High
Case No.
Date 29 Jan 1979
Judge(s) Mr Justice Tudor Evans
For Plaintiff
All Plaintiffs Patricia Joan Presland
Counsel Mr G Machin
Non-Medical expert(s) Mr Jarratt (Safety)
Medical expert(s) Mr M J Barton (Orthopaedic Surgery)
For Defendant
Counsel Mr I Judge
Mr Maskery
Non-Medical expert(s) Mr Harvey (Engineering)
Medical expert(s) Mr C T Jackson (Orthopaedic Surgery)
Judgment for: Plaintiff
Injury found: Yes
Work related: Yes
Breach of Statutory Duty: Not pleaded
Defendant negligent: Yes
General: £ 1,250.00
Special: £ 1,199.59
References to and/or Interpretations of Regulations and HSE Guidance Documents
There are no references in the Judgment to any Health and Safety Regulations or to any HSE guidance documents, other than Guidance Note MS10.


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Tenosynovitis | Light manual work | SOC Major Group 5 | SIC Major Classification C

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Last updated: 16/10/2009